Starseed Global Alchemy Series 2025
with Cathleen Miller
NEW 5 Week Advanced Series Begins
Wednesday March 19th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th +16th
*audio replays will be available
Starseed Alchemy Private Group Series
Open your channel for Starseed awareness to clear personal blockages
Access energetic light codes to upgrade your nervous and energetic systems
Explore relevant lifetimes affecting your current life and path today
Awaken ancient memories and knowledge to open your unique gifts
Activate unique soul capacities for personal and collective growth
Connect with starbeing family to receive personal support on all levels
Dynamically raise your vibration using light language to upgrade your life
Actualize alchemy skills to contribute to greater planetary balance
Improve confidence in your manifesting success skills through light training
Develop from monthly energy assignments to improve your own capacities
Play with like minded conscious new friends to enjoy the expansion together
Is it time to awaken your starseed gifts?

5 Week Series Includes:
2025 series will be in the moment guided each week led by Cathleen's (and your own) starseed team to support the highest multidimensional healing, activations and personal/global grid assignments to support galactic human wellbeing, peace, abundance focused on sustainability for earth.
weekly group zoom interactive channeled facilitation
interact with different star beings each week with specific lesson
galactic akashic exploration with clearing session
global grid work to support earth ascension into 5D
starseed channeled guidance relevant for groups development
weekly energy assignments to better develop your own skills
open your own gifts and play with others in supportive space
healing activations as they are appropriate for group
meet like minded soul family all here to be the change now
clearing/activation of relevant lifetimes to open your unique skills
Starseed Alchemy Team 5 Week Series
*10ppl max ONLY 6 open spaces remain