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soul spiral method

Level 1 Soul Spiral MethodTM Certification

Private 1:1 Virtual Training with Cathleen Miller

Soul Spiral Method is a completely unique intuitive energy modality that allows you to facilitate deeper personal chakra awareness, clearing and balancing. Training your intuitive somatic capacities with this unique healing style can open, activate and develop on your own, while also learning to work with others chakra systems. You will be shown how to work with your own central channel to better identify increased consciousness from your surrounding personal environments. From there we expand into global elemental balancing as you build on each prior weeks practical steps to build confidence. 


Benefits include more confidence in your own intuitive energy mastery. Greater ability to better identify energetic imbalances, alongside steps to clear personal space and chakras with greater intuitive clarity. This program can contribute to a healthier personal somatic connection to your own body, nature and planet earth. 

Once 8 weeks is complete and all included zoom trainings, assignments and email of final completion evaluation is verified then certification will allow each participant who has completed all aspects of training to be able to add this certification into their body work resume. Completion of Level one will also be awarded certificate of completion to be received via email. 

Soul Spiral Methoc Certification
Soul Spiral Method Holistic MediumTM with Cathleen Miller
Benefits of Level One Soul Spiral Certification
  • ​​improve your confidence of mastery in your own body mind soul source connection 
  • add more power for your healing work (personal + or professionally) with your clients, family or friends, pets, land grids and planet earth 
  • deepen your understanding of how energy blocks transpire in different ways in each chakra and how to deal with each specific dynamic in a slightly different way
  • better understand and experience your own body mind connection to better understand your own unique energetic and healthy lifestyle, business, social, personal spiritual needs
  • learn how to adjust your + others energy fields in a way that can clear anxiety and pain
  • work with multi-dimensional frequencies to have more impact in your work
  • clear limiting energetic contracts to be able to manifest better and free yourself from toxic dynamics that you may not even realize are holding you back
  • learn basics of entity clearing, space clearing while increasing awareness of your personal space
  • enjoy a group of conscious high vibrational like minded soul tribe community
  • gain wisdom from Cathleen's (born medium) plus 20+ year experience in professional development and client expertise as an internationally acclaimed healer to be able to side step healer's no-no's that drain your energy and can also be unhealthy or dangerous to practice
  • move into light leadership to contribute to a more sustainable future for planet earth and example conscious living for your own personal and professional community
  • receive group light code activation for raising your cellular bodies core vibration to be able to be able to embody more light which can transform + uplift many aspects of your life 
  • increase skills on non-physical communication and how developing your own intuitive energetic intelligence is a big key the route to self + life mastery 
  • increase your confidence from the weekly practical application of the soul spiral method to go step by step and build each week to show yourself that you can use the application in several ways by the end of the 8 weeks
  • depending on your personal circumstances and energy right now possible physical, mental, emotional and spiritual relief + balancing  
  • enjoy and discover how intuitive energy awareness can be so much fun and gives you countless personal and professional advantages  
  • bypass having to travel in expenses and be able to learn at your own convenience to work with your schedule and career, life and family demands
  • enjoy the fun and massive advantages that come with understanding energy flows in a more conscious way that can improve every area of your personal and professional life
top energy healer

Soul Spiral Method is a consciousness intuitive energy balancing facilitation method channeled by Cathleen Miller in 2020. It combines several decades of personal intuitive healing mastery development with subtle body chakra balancing, intuitive energy reading and light body activation to harmonize, better understand and direct the multi-dimensional layers around your being. This method supports balancing surrounding subtle layers to harmonize together in a way that creates clearer, higher vibrational physical energy, emotional balance and mental clarity. The purpose of this healing facilitation is to align with ones own higher channel soul energies to support greater wholeness, personal thriving, immunity and healthy creation. All within a highly contrasted global experience we are experiencing at this time. Move into the 5D accelerated energies on earth with more ease, grace and mindfulness in your own process.


Master Intuitive Cathleen Miller developed this method after many decades of her own advanced practitioner training in over a dozen energy therapy certifications (which always left her knowing there was more) to be discovered. Her first book Living the Spiral was inspired from a vision to move into more advanced facilitation to guide others into greater empowered conscious awareness of their own body, mind, soul connection based on the triple spiral labyrinth sacred stone site in Ireland. Since then she has worked with clients around the world to teach and facilitate intuitive energy healing always falling back on her own internally guided method which she is now teaching for those who are ready and willing to step into their own light leadership. 


Inspired from several decades of professional outer training while also working with thousands of sessions for the past two decades, soul spiral method is a new style of facilitation to support balancing the increasing contrast happening globally. Passionate about conscious intuitive wellness and contributing to a more conscious vision of a sustainable and peaceful earth, this method can develop skills to radiate balance, create confident energetic connections to allow greater ease, wellbeing and abundant creation.

Soul Spiral Level 1 Certification Training VIP 1:1 Level

8 week hourly audio course, weekly pdf notes + 1:1personal intuitive session support for development, processing + weekly energy assignments. Each week includes energy balancing, intuitive training, experiential exploration with personal assignments to complete each week, ongoing process journaling in addition to audios, home assignments and important tips to create success with the process. Since everyone is in a completely unique place with personal training and awareness this method of VIP training customizes your personal needs to allow the best fit of training for you to be confident in your development process of the program. Students have included actively practicing professional medical intuitives, veterinary doctors, occupational therapy professionals and at home mom's wanting to develop their own awareness for personal use. 

Week 1 soul spiral connection commitment

why a spiral? - deepening intuition - activating central channel - level one intentions personal visioning - body preparation - group process - highest integrity support connections - initial process walk through 

10th chakra clearing - collective immunity - nature energy work *VIP clients private 1:1 wellness sessions to support customized to you personal development to ensure course success. Week one dives right in, sets overview for the program and begins the activation process which many reported feeling increased awareness of personal dynamics and body function right away. 

Week 2 body recalibration + sacred home 

energetic home space + recalibrating grids - awareness of surrounding influences - resetting personal space - clarity of needs base chakra - willingness to embody - stabilizing core to work with others - clarity within chaos -working with animals + pets - week journal - 3 days 20min energy assignments 

Week 3 tapping your magic + your power to create

for yourself + client influence - basic abundance clearing - manifesting play - emotional detoxification - boundary correction sacral chakra - stabilizing emotions to work with trauma - clearing and clarifying contracts in and around energetic system - feeling unconditionally happy - self-healing - week journal - 3 days 20min energy assignments 

Week 4 intuitive empowerment 

property grids - local and global balance contribution solar plexus - identity empowerment - offsetting collective aggression - working with power cords and offsetting projections - client awareness - energetic confidence - power healing + power play - shifting group dynamics - surrounding grounding support -week journal - 3 days 20min energy assignments


Week 5 core communication 

vibrational clarity - uncovering soul body truth - healing grief - heart chakra - staying open during global chaos - separating mental body from surrounding subtle fields 

non-physical communication  - non-physical communication - contract clearing

week journal - 3 days 20min energy assignments


Week 6 core sonic clarity 

discerning truth from your body and clients - throat chakra - vibrational acuity for soul speak - clearing filters for yourself and clients - identifying programmed responses - trusting intuitive voice - sonic clarity  week journal - 3 days 20min energy assignments 

Week 7 knowing your vision 

clearing mental loops around third eye chakra - intuitive alignment for self and clients - discerning intellect mental from non-physical knowing - trusting inner sight - clearing interference - improving meditation practice - healing limitations - week journal - 3 days 20min energy assignment


Week 8 living + aligning to your pure soul lifestyle

allowing divine love, aligning clients to source - crown chakra - clearing blocks to divine connection for self and clients - clarifying guidance from interference - spiritual contrast connections for growth - soul partners - living bliss group activation  

*All text and program copyrighted Cathleen Miller Intuitive Lifestyle SuccessTM 2020

intuitive healing certification

This certification training might NOT be for you if:

1- you are struggling with major toxicity in your life physically, mentally or emotionally. If so then I would recommend you cleanse and stabilize yourself first (see my Living the Spiral 30 day chakra cleanse) before applying otherwise this could be too intense and inappropriate for you until you are in balance. 

2- you are brand new to energy medicine, basic understanding of your chakras or at least familiar with basic energy balancing concepts with healthy boundaries. Again this course is activating to your system and could bring up areas of your life and creations that may create unnecessary stress. When you at least have basic awareness and grasp on general healthy lifestyle then you may be ready. 

3- you are unwilling to work with entity clearing, working with nature energies and multi dimensional awareness that could be considered 'out there.' This program is for the sensitive, conscious open hearted souls who are ready to master your own reality while assisting others to do the same. If that is you, then you found your tribe ;) 

Pre-requisites to qualify

-already living conscious healthy lifestyle and called to positively impact earth + collective consciousness

-willingness to commit fully to training + use consciously with total accountability 

-seeking to contribute more as a soul based leader to create a new possibility for yourself + others

-agreement to fully honor integrity of course and respect all terms of use copyright, Cathleen Miller HolisticMediumTM and Intuitive Lifestyle SuccessTM

Access Consciousness

Are YOU ready to take your wellness business

 + personal intuitive mastery to the next level? 

Investment for Level One

8 weekly 45min private 1:1 with Cathleen  

+ online 8 week course 2-3 hours week time commitment


3,595. includes: (one pmt 3,595. or 2 pmts 1,948.)

-24/7 access to full 8 week e-course to support your schedule to complete at your convenience each week

*+ additional 90 day access after 8 weeks to replay entire program

-8 private distance intuitive development training

1:1 45min weekly private sessions with Cathleen

*completely customized to your experience and personal facilitation progress

-weekly course note manual pdf's for you to print out + keep

-weekly energy assignments to put training into action 

-weekly email quick check in support if needed

-distance energy intuitive check in to support ongoing success to keep weekly sessions customized to your unique healing intuitive development


*Soul Spiral Method Certification Training has qualified for national CE credits - continued education professional training may be eligible for CE credits and or tax write off, check with your accountant and company to verify for your business to be sure you would qualify around your specific state and field requirements

Ready to dive in?

If you have reviewed program details including pricing and interested to begin. Click to schedule complimentary application call with Cathleen to explore what is possible.

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© all rights reserved Cathleen Miller
Holistic Medium™ 2025

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