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Top 3 Intuitive Business Advantages

Updated: Aug 10, 2018

group at network meeting

Over the past several years my intuitive business has evolved from mostly medical intuitive and intuitive life coaching clients, into ever increasing requests for business intuitive sessions. What I love about this growing trend, is seeing the mainstream acceptance and acknowledgement of an intuitive experts value being both relevant and important to a healthier workplace and bottom line.

It is exciting to see more people inspired to learn and be more aware about what their business is doing on an energetic or 'conscious capitalism' level. As well as seeing an increased desire for more outbound impact and contribution, instead of just making money. Being intuitive allows business employees and leaders know how to best navigate growth or change from a place of developing stronger awareness to create more quality solutions for everyone to flourish.

Companies embracing conscious business tend to strive for low impact foot print are not only doing better but are redefining longevity from a more holistic viewpoint. This is truly as inspired, as it is needed globally at this time. As a leading international business intuitive, I am very lucky to get to work with a full range of clients from the small organic part time garage start ups, to billionaire global investors. What I love about intuitively evaluating business, is how the energy of the founder is so relevant to the overall performance of the company. 

No matter what size company you are in, or if you currently are employed or contracted for services, you still are creating from your core energy. Your ongoing intuitive focus, energy exchange, choices and agreements create the quality of your career. This is luckily a fluent and ongoing energetic equation that gives us all ample opportunity to change, upgrade, create and thrive.

Top 3 Advantages from working with a Business Intuitive Expert

1. Getting Connected: Personal coaching with a quality business intuitive expert can reinforce your own intuitive awareness for you to increase in clarity about what is really going on in your business or personal life supports that would benefit and improve your professional focus and energy. 

2. Confirming Your Hunch(es): Often when I share intuitive insight about a specific company issue I am seeing through my clairvoyant lens, my client often has an 'a-ha' moment that they had been circling around that same awareness which helps them to confirm their own knowing. After connecting to this confirmation, they now felt more confident to address the issue or make appropriate adjustments and ultimately have greater choice and freedom to improve the issue. 

3. Allows more choice: Opening to a whole different analytical energetic angle, gives any business person a huge advantage of very unique input completely relevant to their energy. This allows them to make better short or long term choices. Often clients did not even realize many suggestions that come up in a session were even possible solutions. Having more flexible financing, contracting instead of hiring and many more choices can be all the difference for many businesses to stay limited, in the game or expand into new possibility. 

No matter where your professional career or business is at the moment, know that as you open and improve your own intuitive awareness everything can improve. Developing your intuition to live an intuitive lifestyle can open your understanding of what is really important and relevant for your body, relationships and your business, at all times. 

Cathleen Miller

all text copyrighted Holistic MediumTM 2017


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