The best wellness plan for us all, is to "stay well". While that sounds great, it is easier said than done for most. What if there is a way to be able to use your body mind connection and intuition to cultivate a clearer understanding about your own bodies miraculous capacity to stay well.
Most do not believe that is true, or even possible. I see clients from around the world daily many of who are disconnected from their bodies. Or worse at war within from dealing with illness or chronic physical, mental or emotional issues. When pain or chronic issues of any kind manifest, it can get increasingly challenging to find harmony, or stay well.
One of the biggest things I am always striving to educate my clients on is that as you practice body intuition to know your own unique personal needs, you can find your what I call "intuitive lifestyle success" to be able to be well and thrive in every way. This again is unique to every individual and more importantly always fluid and changing in many ways.
More people are adding new healthy lifestyle choices in which is the easiest route to discovering what works for you. Preventative intuitive wellness becomes about a deeper level of sensitivity and consciousness about ever increasing subtle energies which are at play for you, your body, your environment and so on that are affecting your wellbeing.
One of the biggest tips to begin to develop your own intuitive wellness capacity is to be more aware daily of subtle changes that happen from your own lifestyle choices. Many people eat salad because of the mental idea and judgement that salad is good. Intuitively tuning into whether salad or another very different choice like salmon or fruit may be more of what your body is actually requesting vibrationally.
Developing body intuition can take practice but as you begin to notice subtle improvements from tuning in and discovering what works fro you, it can get easier over time. As you strengthen over time being more aware of useful integrative care which could include intuitive energy coaching can keep you whole on that "stay well" plan, that really is possible for you.
Intuitive Cathleen Miller
Intuitive Business + Medical Intuitive Readings & Lake Tahoe Wellness Retreat 2020
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