In working with so many law of attraction enthusiasts, I love going further on the leading edge of consciousness, to see what is possible to create and experience in life. My focus is to guide others into greater possibility through their own alignment, which from time to time can get off course.
It is wild to me that even in working with law of attraction for several decades now there are always more subtle levels to be grasping the principles on. I love that there is no end to what can be created or transformed for any of us, (to the degree we are willing to believe it to be).
From time to time I notice in my own life and or body is desiring to cleanse. I have a sense it being time to release old clutter or toxins which may be physical, emotional and spiritual in nature. While some view clearing as just a dietary change, which is of course valid. An energy cleanse can take things to a whole new level of deeper transformation.
Law of Attraction Vortex Cleanse Tips
1- Diet - while this may vary depending on your health and personal needs. Always check with your medical care to see what level of cleansing is appropriate for you before making any changes. I personally love organic cold pressed (low sugar) juice cleansing, or eating raw foods for a few days to help loosen up toxins and lighten my vibration up.
2- Exercise - again this depends on your regular workout schedule and while any cleanse will require more rest and may advise against working out, I feel this is an area to intuitively see what level of activity feels as though it is assisting with energetic release for you.
3- Technology - this is a tricky one with most people more wired than ever before. Challenging yourself to stay off of television, cell phones, computers (or limit time) can give you tremendous relief and support an inner reset like few other things can.
4- Clutter - make this a game and see what area of build up is useful to clear. This can be closets, office, old files, computer info, old records, your car, garage, your yard? Any area that has the biggest 'ugh' to it is probably where to begin.
5- Support - this can be anything from massage and body work to work-life-personal coaching, therapy or whatever would give you more ease in your world.
Following these for even a few days can give you tremendous relief and insight into your own next step. Remember as you are always reaching for a better feeling thought and experience, you will be guided into more ease. Follow me on instagram or facebook and let me know how your vortex cleanse goes to win a cool surprise bonus.
Cathleen Miller Law of Attraction Coach
intuitive energy coach - spiritual entrepreneur - intuitive business coach
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