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Lake Tahoe Wellness Retreat

Lake Tahoe Wellness Retreat

Finding the right wellness retreat for you is truly a unique search depending on what is happening in your life at this time? If you are mostly happy and things are generally going well for you, then perhaps a few days of simple spa treatments and rest at a hotel you enjoy may feel like the right choice? If things are more chaotic and scattered, the perhaps considering a retreat that has more energy balancing therapies and personal space for you in nature, may be a better fit.

Or perhaps if your life is at a major transition of choice, then it is more important to get even more support to know how to navigate the change that is happening. Doing this can help you to get clear so you can move forward in confidence on your path. If this resonates for you then considering a more advanced retreat facilitator and program that can support transformation through a focused program would be important to consider.

While there are countless choices for retreats available which can include group travel tours, health focused spiritual retreats, silent fasting retreats, solo retreats, just to name a few. Only you can decide what theme or flow feels right for you (and your body) to benefit the most from during your next retreat.

As an intuitive wellness practitioner, one of my greatest passions is creating and leading women's wellness retreats and events. In playing with several different program formats since 2006, what I love the most is anticipating what will create the greatest experience for the group. The adventure is always so powerful and life changing for those who truly 'show up' that anything is possible.

While traveling alone can be a wonderful experience, working with a group can also offer incredible reflections of new awarenesses for you to improve your understanding of your self and your life. This can inspire you to let go of countless limitations and powerfully move forward. I love that each individual that shows up for any of these groups truly gifts the group experience in a way that benefits everyone.

If you are seeking a free flow intuitive wellness program that gives you an intensive body mind connection experience but also gives you time to play, explore the area, be free to create your schedule throughout the weekend then Lake Tahoe Wellness Retreat 2020 may be for you.

Intuitive Cathleen Miller


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Holistic Medium™ 2025

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