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Intuitive Questions | Transitioning from Corporate to Soulpreneur

intuitive business coaching

One of the greatest silver linings of 2020 is that more people let go of outmoded energies they did not even realize were holding them back. The gift of being able to work from home for many companies, in addition to more personal freedom in scheduling and personal balance potential has truly been life changing for those open minded and actively adapting with a more mindful flow of work, life, home, soul balance.

For others the past year and a half have collapsed businesses or completely shifted circumstances to allow a potential shift from tight structure to a window of opportunity to step into the soul whisper dreams of entrepreneurism. Nothing like a global pandemic to remind us to wait for nothing and go after our dreams. While everyone adjusted and adapted in countless ways, (and still are today) there is an interesting sense of the new sorta norm taking place.

For me personally, I have been very blessed as a leading intuitive business coach, to be able to be there to share the journey with countless corporate women who have been percolating their soul dreams into reality. While the majority of my clients are seeking intuitive development support to better clarify how to prioritize investing, expansion or any type of change they are inspired to get support on, my job is to observe the energetics and guide them to choices they may not even realize are there.

Sometimes our education can be in the way of "what is possible." While other times it is old business trauma from *&^#@&* old partners, or money limiting beliefs from scarcity examples we grew up around. Even with the Harvard best strategic business plan if you do not have the internal energy alignment within yourself or with any connected components of the business it will either fall short of projections or be ongoing complications that may not even make sense.

If you are feeling inspired to begin to step into your soulpreneur inner Soul CEO (Conscious, Excelled, Omnipotent) success goddess. Then it is important to begin with clarity around what may still be needing to adjust energetically. Especially before putting your hard earned savings and efforts into anything.

Here are a few of my expert intuitive business coaching tips to help you ease your own personal completely unique to you path from the corporate world, into your own soul based business.

3 Tips To Ease Your Transition From Corporate To Soulpreneur

1. Deprogram Yourself - with every client coming out of corporate there is a hyper structure detox of sorts that can affect your energy, emotional balance and ability to move forward into a new rhythm of what you are really wanting to create. This is crucial to dismantle and clear before wasting energy and time that may wear you out or make you feel even more discouraged.

2. Uplevel Your Calibration - while many are familiar with staying positive to attract success, few are actually practicing and working with supports to really change their resonance so that improved employees, partners, vendors and so on show up everywhere. Everything in your business can and should feel an ease and satisfaction all of the time.

3. Blend Your Best From Both Worlds - another issue I see is corporate burn outs wanting to throw out everything from where they have been which may be too far of a pendulum swing. Some of what you did, learned and methods for workflow optimization may serve you very well moving into your own venture. Corporate is in no means bad or wrong. Just not the desire for everyone. If you are clear you are ready for more of a soul based venture to manifest for you then blending your best of where you have been with where you are now can give you a hyper niche advantage that makes you shine.

Intuitive business development can take time to let go of old habits, overextending work patterns and poor boundaries out of a desire to keep up. As you build your confidence by showing yourself that when you follow your gut and things work out you begin to expect more from everything. That confidence will grow and support you to become an intuitive business leader to enjoy conscious capitalism and generate greater impact for many around you. The more you tune in the more you get out on the leading edge of expansion. Once you are surfing there, the cashflow, the joy and the freedom just keep getting better.

Cathleen Miller Master Intuitive Business Coach

Distance Intuitive Business Mentorship, VIP Events + Retreats

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