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Intuitive Eating Challenge

Updated: Aug 9, 2018

table of farm veggies

Being an passionate intuitive wellness coach, I am always seeking more radiance and natural energy to feel amazing! This is not just for myself but to also stay on the leading edge of what is possible to coach my clients in more and better, so we can all be inspired to enjoy our highest potential of energy and beauty.

Although I have been a 100% raw foodist, then a vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, paleo, junkeo and just about everything in between, I have come to a realization that our bodies needs are a fluent thing and not a rigid single choice.

Learning how to listen to your body about what it is needing is crucial to find your best diet and lifestyle. Whenever you notice food, mood or energy feeling a bit stale, or not really being physically hungry, it may be time for a change up. You may want to consider adding in my intuitive eating challenge for a few days to consciously reset and reboot your entire system. 

Cathleen's 3 Step Intuitive Eating Challenge

1. Set Up Go to your favorite healthy quality organic produce place and instead ofthinkingwhat is healthy or what you should eat, ask your body and see if you can feel what would benefit it the most. Add these new fruits and vegetables into your cooking or consider juicing (again see what combinations of ingredients feel interesting at the moment). I see this with clients who I coach and can see certain foods there body is asking for and some will say "wow that is so weird I just got blueberries and keep eating them." Not connecting the dots that their pancreas is wanting more natural insulin support and their third eye chakra is also seeking more support for change as well. Pick 2-3 fruits or veggies you rarely or have never had and add them in (check for allergies etc). Decide how long feels good and of course check with medical care before making any dietary changes to be sure it is appropriate for you. 

2. Buddy UP Having a high integrity and accountable good follow through who will actually hold you to this buddy can make all the difference so stay on track for this challenge. Marking your calendar or adding it to your daily phone calendar for reminders can also be useful to keep you focused so you keep committed. This can also help you to both share insights and affirm new awarenesses about what works for you body. 

3. Energy UP Journaling is always helpful to track your progress and notice how your energy, sleep, stress levels and overall awareness about what lightens up or improves in small or sometimes huge ways comes about for you. Letting your body show you when it has gotten the rest it has needed or that it is wanting more or different are all part of the ongoing flow of your body changing and adapting to everything going on around it. 

It may be as simple as juicing one meal a day for a week, or going raw foods one day, or a combination of a little of each. Your body knows what it wants and when you begin to listen and trust. 

To me intuitive eating and healthy lifestyle can become effortless as you commit to it. Not only can your body naturally detoxify but you stay balanced and well. One of my best shortcut healthy sugar free tips is to have (or better yet make) organic healthy soup for breakfast. Doing this gives you a steady dose of minerals so you are not craving anything and feeling satiated longer. If that is too out there just taking a step each day to reduce your sugar intake. If you would like to learn more please see link below for Intuitive Eating + Conscious Body Love e-course. Free Activate Your Intuition e-course also available.

-to your radiant wellbeing

Cathleen Miller Master

See site link for free activate your intuition e-course

all text copyrighted Holistic MediumTM 2016

*always check with your regular health care before making any diet or health changes


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