While many are hopefully still grooving along in their 2019 goals, many of my coaching clients are reporting that they are attempting to over analyze or mental control themselves to make things happen. Doing this can side track you not only from your own personal balance but also from enjoying your life.
Forcing change is missing the point of goals which should improve your life instead of making things miserable. This is why most goals are dust before mid-month.
I am all for working in a focused way to create success but have a different take on using energy and allowing intuitive focus to guide me to the greatest awareness of when, how, what and how long, to do any action or step toward my goals.
As an intuitive business and life coach, I seek to inspire clients into greater personal body-mind intuitive awareness. Bringing consciousness into their body, business and their environments allows them to harness their power in a way that makes everything more efficient, productive and way more fun.
To me if it is not fun, it is not worth it. Struggle and suffering are always optional. I am not saying there are not times when less than fun things need to be done but then making those a game in some way can even lighten the process there too.
Here are 3 ways Intuitive Development
Can Create A Better 2019 For You
1- INTUITIVE CLARITY Developing your intuition gives you a huge personal advantage to generate more clarity in every area of your life. Of course I am speaking about this from an integrity point of view that when you are tapped in to your intuitive capabilities you are able to be clearer and more accurate about your physical, emotional, spiritual and life needs, direction and what you really want to happen.
2- INTUITIVE TIMING Nothing beats being in the right place, at the right time, with the right opportunity, so the best possibilities can unfold. Although it can be relaxed and no big deal, being in alignment with your intuitive sense of 'right time' can keep putting you next to, in front of or right alongside the best case scenario you are seeking to allow.
3- INTUITIVE FLOW Ahhhh being in the flow. Nothing beats a day of gliding from one step to the next with almost no sense of time or distraction. Athletes live for this zone trance that lets their gifts shine and makes them seem untouchable. When you are intuitively aligned, your sense of ongoing flow should be effortless and easy to maintain. When it goes off, something is off! Which is a great heads up to clean up your energy and again using your intuition to see what is most useful next to get right back into that flow.
At every level of intuitive development all of these and more advantages are within reach. Committing time daily in 2019 to developing your intuition, can help you to be able to go further to improve every area of your life. And let everything become easier because you are intuiting the route of least resistance.
Cathleen Miller Intuitive Business + Life Wellness Coach
all text copyrighted HolisticMediumTM 2019