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Intuitive Lifestyle Blog

Are you a Starseed? | Starseed Meaning
5 Tips to know if YOU are a Starseed? you have sense of never quite belonging on earth and from an early age were aware on some level...

Intuitive Mentorship : 3 tips to support your spiritual awakening
Like it or not, we are all in an accelerated time of greater spiritual awakening on planet earth. Between radical global shifts, massive...

Intuitive Questions : Using Intuition To Understand Your Dreams
The same exact dream can have countless interpretations. We are all so unique in how we think and experience our own reality that...

Intuitive Questions | Transitioning from Corporate to Soulpreneur
One of the greatest silver linings of 2020 is that more people let go of outmoded energies they did not even realize were holding them...

Intuitive Questions | Clearing Intuitive Business Blocks
Most businesses run from theorized assumptions about what the "right steps" are to be implementing for each stage. While fundamental...

3 Tips To Make Turning 50 Fabulous
Yesterday I was in an appointment when I overheard a woman in the room next to me who said, "After women turn 50, it is all downhill from...

3 Ways To Know You Need A Business Energy Healer
Having several support systems in place to ensure a strong foundation are key to any thriving business. For some this may be reserves of...

Law of Attraction Expert Tips to Raise Your Vibration
Everyone wants to feel good. Yet in this interesting global time (to put it mildly), it is all too easy to get caught up in negativity...

3 Tips To Become Your Intuitive Self
When you are really in the flow while being your most authentic version of yourself, what exactly are you doing? Or be-ing? Finding what...

Becoming A Money Magnet Expert Tips
Enjoy free iuniverse Money Magnet replay from master intuitive success coach Cathleen Miller and certified financial planner Dawn...

Using Your Intuitive GPS
Are you getting the most out of your own internal 'intuitive' GPS system? Most of us have GPS in our cars, we have real time location,...

How To Meditate
Meditation can be daunting for many who are not sure where to begin. Especially with how stimulated and wired in most are these days, it...

LOA Vortex Cleanse
In working with so many law of attraction enthusiasts, I love going further on the leading edge of consciousness, to see what is possible...

Energy Intelligence
Have you ever had a strong sense of receiving information while touching an object? Perhaps from putting your hand on a memorial wall, a...

What Is Intuitive Development?
You may recall a time when you had a sense that something was going to happen, or a thought of someone you knew, that either happened, or...

3 Ways Intuitive Development Can Create A Better 2019 For You
While many are hopefully still grooving along in their 2019 goals, many of my coaching clients are reporting that they are attempting to...

Intuitive Eating Challenge
Being an passionate intuitive wellness coach, I am always seeking more radiance and natural energy to feel amazing! This is not just for...

Is Your Mate a Healthy Soul Fit?
No matter if you are in day one of a new relationship, or have been married for decades, there is always soul exchange happening in every...

3 ways intuitive development coaching can benefit you?
More people are beginning to discover the power of their intuition. Some are even inspired to work with intuitive development coaches to...
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