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cathleen miller entity clearing

Entity & S p a c e  Clearing

for Body - Home - Office - Land - Business 

Are you aware of a strange energy that is having a confusing, uncomfortable or negative affect on your physical energy or personal space?


Or perhaps something is happening on your property, or in your office? Did you develop unusual body stress, insomnia or health issues after moving into or out of your home or business? So many energetic factors can contribute to imbalance in each of these scenarios. Space clearing is a very worthwhile investment to clear the air (literally) for you to have the peace and ease that is possible.


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cathleen miller space clearing

Believe it or not, dense lower vibrational disruptive entities can affect your health, financial flow, business, relationships, sleep, healthy conception and even block the sale of your home or land. Most entities can be cleared from a distance in a phone session but in a few cases on location may be required depending on circumstance.


Being a complex topic, It is important to know that not all entities always leave a space depending on circumstances and everyone involved with the situation. Cathleen offers a non-drama, easy experience which can be fascinating to discover the dynamics involved. Sometimes there are ancestors or loved ones who are vested in your life and circumstances, which is not always a healthy dynamic for you, your family, or your space. On location sessions include energetic evaluation, medium reading and facilitation as appropriate with practical recommendations to create the most possible balance, peace and overall wellbeing for everyone involved. 

Cathleen has been gifted with entity communication capacities since she was a child and later developed the ability to facilitate and clear countless kinds of earth 'and beyond' entities which she has done for clients around the world since 2002.


Today she consults as a professional medium to bring clarity around energetic imbalances and paranormal happenings that affect us more than most are willing to acknowledge. Her focus is to guide you to get clear about whatever is going on in your personal space, to then evaluate and elevate any space vibrationally into a healthier and more generative flow. Cathleen also works with many top real estate agents to clear both commercial and residential properties for rent or sale which are not moving due to energies in the space. Her target is the create a harmonic of peace, balance and a positive success supportive environment, that we all can have to live and work in. 

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Holistic Medium™ 2025

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